
Ranieri's “Comedìa”

First Cantica

It was 1711 when, for the first time, in a cadastral scriptum in our city, the Ranieri’s family was mentioned.

“Baldo and his father, Vincenzo, resident in Badia Di Petroia…”, in Città Di Castello; and then the son Vincenzo, “Pietro, owner of a working land with opium and olive trees…”

We are in 1760 and this historical, genuine and authentic recall, is testimony of genealogical sources from a friend Lorenzo – a well-educated and kind person, a professional and scrupulous archivist- that, like Dante’s Virgilio, was “… sea of all wisdom…”, reveals our origins.

That passion that animates us every day, has a very long gestation.

The intangible richness of the olive tree. That plant, and its fascinating elegance has bewitched our family for over three centuries.

Its green leaves, its rough and “ bruzzolosa” (lumpy) bark, the purplish drupe  – keeper of a precious juice – its great, silent longevity enrichens our Umbrian territory, and its forever “sustainable” being, makes it lovely. Despite infernal initial difficulties, the fere, who puts themselves “Midway upon the journey of our life”, the adventure begins.

Second Cantica

It was in the 60s when Riccardo, my father, in the wake of our family tradition, decided to continue to cultivate that passionate business, but to reinterpret it in a new way that went beyond a small olive oil mill production of the native city.

From Alto Tevere, he expanded commerce initially in Tuscany and then in the area bordering central and North Italy, with his father Giuseppe by his side – silent and slim, but very industrious – who helped him with the production and manual packaging of the demijohn, barrels and cans in tin plate.

One night, at a dance, he met Rossella – a girl with beautiful pale blue eyes- who would soon after become his wife, then mine and my sister Valentina’s mother.

She is a Rossi: good looking, with a rigorous soul and very dedicated to her family.

Her parents Elmo and Lea, elegant and kind, were both skilled traders and had owned “ la Feffa” for generations, an emporium from other times, that no longer exist.

Immediately, they support Riccardo’s initiative, never leaving him without their support; not even in the hardest times, which is in the 80’s. When the going gets tough “one in a million makes it…” – as Morandi sang at that time– my father draws, among the circles of purgatory in which he floundered, paradisiacal characteristics of what our company would become in the future.

Innovative, in primis.

With a roman technologist – Grimaldi – recipe of the “aromatic alquimie“  that we now call Profumo di natura ( taste of nature), a pleasant line of oils with tastes of truffle, garlic, chili pepper and other delicious spices.

Then he thinks, rightly so, to focus on high quality products, with a premium placement. Since then, we have continued to cultivate the excellence with the same passion and dedication.

Finally, passionate for beauty.

As far as possible we take care of “ la beauty of soul”, seeking collaborators that are clever and above all honest. We have always taken care of small details in our work and embellish everything,  making every single bottle a work of art.

1997 marks my entry into the company, and what we all start to nurture in those years is a path of growth and maturity – personal, professional and dimensional – healthy and respectful of our authentic values.

As the poet puts into the mouth of Brunetto Latini     “… and he to me: “if thou thy star do follow, thou canst”, we joyfully “embarked”.

Thus, supported with love by my wife Alice, with a cohesive and very close-knit team, we have created a new and modern production plant, revised the business plan, renewed the brand and embarked on a path of international development that has led us to be who we are today:

Ordinary women and men with a great professional goal, consistent with our core values.

Third cantica

While, at the origins of our story, “… the dark forest…” had caused pain and sweat, as a consequence of the hard work in the fields of Badia di Pretoia, the last sixty years (1960/2020) have been “… a second realm in which the human spirit purges itself…”, in the hope of leaving a seraphic and bright Paradise to the woman Rachele and her collaborators, in which one can share the beauty of olive oil and its multiform variations.

We hope that the seriousness we put into our daily work can give the right professional recognition to those who will continue to animate the company “… in peace, sober and modest”; and we hope that we can bring You, who choose us every day and who renovate this miracle, a unique sensory experience!

We are extremely grateful to You. We hope for the hand craftmanship which inspires us and makes our oils unique to be the light that Rachele can sublimate, and You appreciate.

And the research to better our work continues, so that we can offer You an oil of superior quality which can open the heart, and express to its best our secular history.

We hope that “the love that moves the sun and the other starts” can fill you with all the best.

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